Friday, September 16, 2005

Don't watch Dog the Bounty Hunter

For those of you who know of this TV show on A&E and are inclined to help DOG to find anyone, and if by some freak of nature, the man calls you to get information about a fugitive, RECORD THE CONVERSATION.

Back in May, I helped Dog find someone on his "most wanted" list on his website. The words CASH REWARD were stamped across the guy's face too.

After talking with DOG and BETH, (who is a ....well it rhymes with "clucking pitch"), Dog invited me on the show. I didn't address the cash reward thing as I felt it was not appropriate at the time. They both were saying things like " we need someone like you on our team" and "this is a one in a million tip" and "you don't have any problem with retaliatory actions do you?" (My reply noted that the guy would be in prison in HAWAII and that I didn't have any problems)I ask when he'd be in the area and he said he'd call me.NO SUCH LUCK.They caught the guy in August with less than 5 hours on the bail remaining, (read the article in SF chronicle for details).

Naturally I was a bit miffed at this and attempted to contact A&E as well as Da Kine Bail Bonds.I got this email back from BETH...

We owe you nothing ! Dog does not control who is on and who is not on the show we have no control over the production of the show ... you have threatened us for the last time do not contact us again or we will take legal action against you!

"Threatened" = sending emails and making phone calls asking for someone to please contact me regarding this capture and my part in it.

Again we owe you nothing I can easily prove you did not give the lead. Watch the show ! you were never promised anything he said he would try he never told you , you would get a reward Unless your leads directly lead to the apprehension which yours did not ...

Oh poppycock.

It is inappropriate for you to continue to contact me and if you continue I will take necessary steps toMake you stop

Who's threatening who now?

..Good Day sir
Beth Smith

I think I need not comment any further on the virtues of white trash....

Needless to say, I have already contacted the San Francisco Chronicle and the A&E production department to find out what the heck is up their butts.

"Good day sir" ...riiiiight, she wouldn't know where that quote came from if it hit her in the side of her "chocolate-stuffed" over-sprayed hair-do.


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