Saturday, May 14, 2005

Two Weeks

After waking up on Friday with a horrible chest pain, phlegm from hell, and the unnatural desire to toss my cookies in the shower, I determined that working with chemicals for a living is more detrimental than I am willing to cope with.

I went to work that morning where the co-founder of the company taught me and three other guys more than we'll ever need to know about fire safety, extinguishers, state code, and licencing. At day's end, I chatted with my boss about the risk of my working with dangerous chemicals every day and he apologized for not being more specific with me earlier on. As it turns out, the ABC chemical found in 98% of the extinguishers I'd be working with is only known to be an irritant - factor in the five different medications I take which suppress my immune system and it's more than an irritant. He then mentioned that the locations I'd be going would be far more dangerous than the ABC chemical. Places like paint shops, refinerys, and electro-plating shops head the list of horrible places that my kidney would just hate.

So, I go in on Monday, return my tee-shirts, hat, jacket and hopefully, collect my last check from them.

On to better Google.


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